[http] # Listen address listen = "" [sequence_db] # Mysql sequence generator DSN dsn = "sequence:sequence@tcp(" # Mysql connection pool max idle connection max_idle_conns = 4 # Mysql connection pool max open connection max_open_conns = 4 [short_db] # Mysql short service read db DSN read_dsn = "shortme_w:shortme_w@tcp(" # Mysql short service write db DSN write_dsn = "shortme_r:shortme_r@tcp(" # Mysql connection pool max idle connection max_idle_conns = 8 # Mysql connection pool max open connection max_open_conns = 8 [common] # short urls that will be filtered to use black_short_urls = ["version","health","short","expand","css","js","fuck","stupid"] # Base string used to generate short url # base_string = "Ds3K9ZNvWmHcakr1oPnxh4qpMEzAye8wX5IdJ2LFujUgtC07lOTb6GYBQViSfR" base_string = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" # Short url service domain name. This is used to filter short url loop. domain_name = "" # Short url service schema: http or https. schema = "http"