config.conf 1.6 KB

  1. [http]
  2. # Listen address
  3. listen = ""
  4. [sequence_db]
  5. # Mysql sequence generator DSN
  6. dsn = ""
  7. # Mysql connection pool max idle connection
  8. max_idle_conns = 4
  9. # Mysql connection pool max open connection
  10. max_open_conns = 4
  11. [short_db]
  12. # Mysql short service read db DSN
  13. read_dsn = ""
  14. # Mysql short service write db DSN
  15. write_dsn = ""
  16. # Mysql connection pool max idle connection
  17. max_idle_conns = 8
  18. # Mysql connection pool max open connection
  19. max_open_conns = 8
  20. [common]
  21. # short urls that will be filtered to use
  22. black_short_urls = ["version","health","short","expand","css","js","fuck","stupid"]
  23. # Base string used to generate short url
  24. base_string = "FnvUcfRyxsKuEMraDOPSe9Y8BZh0Tmk1bV65ld42XgGzNC7wp3JWLqAtiQjHoI"
  25. base_string_cn = "牛虎充宗绿红亿竹宁总兔蓉兽克合雪琬伦珍猴妃灵阴虫巽晗余月东天黑和空工绯夏沫欣紫悦艮白西羽坤涵梦爽玉翔旭栋鹏衷晴北水衣终琴青丙攻鼠兰日楚童鸟鱼景忆甲冰丰狗猪茹枫虹坎辰秋飞鸿忠依冬舒蛇归公种丛山茜菊车相洪春好梅乙居美维地琳河冲冻气象中乾蓝湖橙启海震江容莹思马茗阳离僧桐羊兑同倩汉丁非灰书瑶南钟希功彤筒乐于渔封晨初松农人予鸡色赤龙寺花泽夕丽风飘"
  26. # base_string = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
  27. # Short url service domain name. This is used to filter short url loop.
  28. domain_name = ""
  29. # Short url service schema: http or https.
  30. schema = "https"